Community & Resources
Common Areas

Pools Area
POOL HOURS Open 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. Daily Hours
We have two pools available for you to enjoy: an “L” shaped pool holding 42,000 gallons and a kidney-shaped pool holding 62,000 gallons. During the months of October 1st to May 31st, the “L” shaped pool is heated to a comfortable 82 degrees, while the kidney-shaped pool is not heated. Our spa, which holds 4,000 gallons, is heated to a relaxing 103 degrees year-round.
To access the pool/spa area, all you need is a key fob provided by the PDCCA Management Office. Simply pay your yearly assessment in full and obtain the key fob before December 20, 2016. You can find the pool hours posted on our website and view our pool rules and regulations online.
In order to provide you with the best experience possible, PDCCA will initiate a new automated pool access system effective January 3, 2017. Check out our new policy by clicking here!
Why do I have to pay an assessment each year?
At the time you purchased your home, your escrow provided documents that showed your home is part of a homeowner association, and is encumbered by the Association’s CC&R’s and Bylaws.
What is the money used for?
The money is used for the maintenance and up keep of the association properties at 77-800 California Drive in Palm Desert. These properties include a recreation hall and meeting rooms, as well as two swimming pools and a spa. There also is an office that is maintained for association activities and transactions.
Who can use the association facilities?
The pools are available to homeowners, their families, and guests at no charge. The recreation hall, meeting rooms, and patio are available to homeowners for functions involving homeowner, spouse, children and grandchildren at no charge once a year. (Exception is if you want staff to set up and clean up for your function at an additional cost). The homeowner must be in attendance. There is a reservation/damage deposit required to reserve a time and date. Click here to view our new Hall Use Policy.
Are the facilities rented to non-members?
Yes. AA groups, Jazzercise, salsa classes, and ballroom dancing classes are sponsored by independent companies who pay varying rental fees for use of Alice Marble Hall. Contact them directly for pricing information. See the Community Links page in our bi-monthly newsletter for more dates and times of classes.
Why are some people charged a late fee?
Assessments are due on the 1st of January late on the 31st of January. The late fee for the 10% is $39.80 and an admin fee of $8.00.
When did the due date of the assessment change?
The due date, delinquent date, late fee and all other collection procedures have been in effect for many years. (See pages 20-23 of CC&R’s).
When does the PDCCA Board of Directors Meet?
On the 3rd Tuesday of the month, except July and August. EXECUTIVE SESSION @ 4:00PM, OPEN SESSION 5:00PM.
Can I add a room to my house, build a wall, or change my property in any way?
All exterior changes to property must be approved by the Association before construction begins. You are responsible to determine if a city permit is required.
What if I see a property that needs care and maintenance with the Association?
Contact the association by email (tsee@ppminternet) and provide the address of the property in question. A member of the Community Improvement Committee will follow-up with an inspection. If a CC&R violation exists, the owner will be notified through the Association’s Rules of Enforcement procedure. (Click here to view the current Rules of Enforcement Policy.)
Are all Association members governed by the CC&R’s (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions)?
Yes, every homeowner is provided a copy of the CC&R’s by the escrow office when the purchase is complete. If you cannot find your copy, you can purchase a copy at the association office.